Beacons, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public benefit nonprofit
empowering adults with diverse intellectual abilities!
Interest forms for Spring 2025
Explorer • PathFinder • Studio
Dates Coming up: Welcome back everyone!
1/11/25: Club Beacons "Welcome the New Year!" 5:30 - 8:30 pm
1/13/25: Studio starts!
1/21/25: Explorer and PathFinder spring sessions begin!
Welcome to our Volunteer Forum
Our committees would love your help!
Club Beacons Committee
Community Partnerships Committee
External Outreach
If you are interested, please complete this Volunteer FORM and we'll contact you!
View our slide show for more information on Volunteering!
Club Beacons Committee
You can help by:
We host fun events twice a month so that people can come together and have fun. We could use your help doing one or more of the following:
Setting up and cleaning up at events,
Facilitating crafts during Club Beacons,
Donating craft items,
Donating decorations related to event themes,
Donating food and and helping with prep and serve,
Securing business donations of food or crafts (and spreading the word about CB)
Helping to enlist typical peers ages 16+ to volunteer at our social events!
Community Partnerships Committee
You can help by:
Our goal is to get our trainees to work! You can help us by:
• going to local businesses and asking them if the will welcome site visits and share information about their interview and training process,
• helping us developing opportunities for employment and/or paid internships, and
• working with employers to get copies to training manuals/training videos to use for vocational training in our workshops.
You can also help us by getting donations related to workshops units so that our trainees get a chance to use real workplace tools and materials to train for real jobs with our local employers!
External Outreach Committee
You can help by:
We need help collecting emails from the following for our Master Contact List:
NPS / Private School
Interested families
Local businesses & organizations
Community Leaders
HS Special Ed Teachers & Directors
SLPs & OTs
Advocate Agencies, Psychiatrists, Developmental Doctors
Developing relationships and stories with the media
AND…. spreading the word about Beacons on Social Media!
Fundraising Committee
Fundraising is a critical part of all nonprofits to help keep programs affordable and available. We would love your help developing fundraising ideas and managing fundraising events to support the programming needs at Beacons. Join us!
1. Fall Marketplace:
Help getting vendors,
Helping young adults make items for sale (and selling their items!),
Providing support at the event, set up, clean up,
Helping our trainees manage their booths and sales,
2. "FUNdraisers”
We could use help coming up with fun ideas for parent/family events to raise a little money (e.g. Paint 'n Sip, etc.). Or, if you have a special talent, help us raise money by teaching your skill to interested donors!
3. Annual Fundraiser
Help create and run an annual fundraiser event!