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March 14, 2025
Art Exhibit
Theme: "Disc

NEWS RELEASE (For Immediate Release)

Carlsbad, CA (February 2025) - Nonprofit Beacons, Inc. (Beacons) is pleased to announce that on Friday, March 14, 2025, it will launch its first art exhibit as part of a new series of annual exhibitions to showcase the works of neurodiverse artists in San Diego County who are consumers of the San Diego Regional Center. Each exhibit will be open to the public as a no-fee exhibition for artists and guests alike. 2025 Exhibits are made possible through grant funding from the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center and The Foundation for Developmental Disabilities (FDD), as well as financial support of Beacons and its volunteers. 

The theme for the March exhibit is "DiscARTed," and artists are encouraged to use recycled materials in their works, though this is not required for artists to exhibit their works in the "open" category.  Artists wishing to submit their work for award consideration in the "juried" category must use at least 50% recycled materials in their works. Artists may showcase and/or sell their works at the event directly to buyers.


Beacons will host a free art session on Saturday, March 1, from 1 - 3 pm to help artists complete projects for inclusion in either the open or juried exhibitions. Space is available on a first come basis so early sign-ups are encouraged. Art session will provide materials and project guidance to foster completion of projects onsite at Beacons. Artists may take home their work after the event has concluded. Click here for more details and to sign up. 

Beacons offers a variety of art-related postsecondary options for adults with disabilities including a year-round creative and performing arts division (Studio Beacons), as well as vocational creative design training through Explorer's 2-year program and PathFinder numerous workshops ranging from 4 days to 4 months. Beacons also offers 1:1 and small group opportunities through its Voyager option in California's self-determination option.


Beacons hosted its first vocational workshop in January 2019 and now offers over 60 different workshops to support vocational exploration and training for adults with Autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and other developmental disabilities. Programs and services are made available at no cost to participants thanks to state funding through the San Diego Regional Center.


For more information:

Please contact Board President Janet Schenker at:

2025 Art Fair #1 Flyer.gif

Important Dates

2/1: Application posted for 3/14 event

2/15: Scholarship form due

2/24: Application Due

3/1 (Sat): Free Art Session

Saturday: 1- 3 pm
For artists who have entered an entry form, they can participate for no cost to create an art piece using recycled materials for the juried category.
Open - RSVP form

3/9 (Sunday): Drop off 11 am - 3 pm

3/10 (Monday): Drop off 11 am - 3 pm

3/14 (Friday): Exhibit! 5 - 7 pm, with light refreshments provided. 

3/15: Artwork pick up (11 am - 1 pm)

Entry Fee:
This is a no-fee public event to promote the arts for the community and artists. Exhibit will consist of two options:

1. Open Exhibit (artist may choose to exhibit up to 3 works of their choosing). While use of recycled materials is encouraged, it is not required.

2. Juried Exhibit -  Theme: "DiscARTed": This category will showcase 1 art piece using recycled materials. Work will be judged by a panel of artists unaffiliated with Beacons for non-monetary award recognition.  Recycled materials must comprise at least 50% of the work. 

Artist Criteria 


  • Eligibility: Artist must be a consumer of the San Diego Regional Center to participate.

  • Total Artists: Up to 50 artists will display their work. Space available on a first-come basis.

  • Number of works: Up to three (3) different works can be submitted for the "open" exhibit. Additional works may be submitted if spacing permits in the discretion of the art committee.

  • Event: Artists must be present at the event.

  • Original Works only: Artists must certify that works are original work of the artist. 

  • Sales of Works: All works may be sold, but transactions are solely between the artist and buyer. Beacons will not conduct sales on behalf of artists, and is not responsible for any sales-related transactions or communications.

Artwork Criteria 

  • Exhibit Ready: Works must be able to be readily hung or set on a flat surface. Beacons is not responsible for framing or preparing works for hanging.

  • 2D: May not exceed 48" in height or width.

  • 3D: May not exceed 6.5' in height without written consent by Beacons, Inc. due to safety and space considerations.

Juried Exhibit

  • Entries for juror consideration must consist of 50% recycled materials to create works for consideration of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place recognition, as well as “Best in Show” award. Awards are non monetary. 

  • Recycled materials are human-created items that would end up in trash or recycling bins after use, expiration or lack of use.

  • Natural materials (such as rocks, branches or dirt) do not constitute recyclable materials.

  • One piece of art can be entered in the juried exhibit.

  • Winners will be announced at the event.

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Suggestions or Complaints? Click here


Serving San Diego County

Telephone: 760-448-6230

2245 Camino Vida Roble, Suite100 

Carlsbad, CA 92011

Registered 501(c)(3) Nonprofit:

EIN #82-5388073

© 2018-2024 by Beacons, IncAll rights reserved

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