Beacons, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public benefit nonprofit
empowering adults with diverse intellectual abilities!
"DiscARTed" Exhibit Catalog featuring artists and works
Click here for Entry form for 6/6/25 Art Fair: "Color in Motion"
Upcoming Events:
3/31 - 4/4 - Spring Break for Explorer, PF and Studio
4/11/25 - OPEN HOUSE (10 am - 12 noon)
4/12/25: Club (5:30 - 8:30 pm) - Theme: Under the Sea
Here are some answers to common questions, but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have more!
What is Beacons?
Beacons, Inc. is CA nonprofit public benefit corporation founded in 2018 to provide training, activities and services to help adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities increase independence in the areas of Community Access, Education, Employment, Health & Fitness, Housing and Self Advocacy. We strive to provide pathways to greater economic sufficiency and self-directed lives.
Options currently available through Beacons, Inc. include:
1. Consultation services and planning (for postsecondary transitions, and IEP/ITP preparation),
2. Club Beacons (community based social club for ages 16+),
3. Explorer (general vocational exploration and training workshops) (Approx. 80 weeks);
5. PathFinder (specific vocational training workshops in creative design, customer service, entrepreneurial skills and more!) (Approx. 16 weeks),
6. Parent training Workshops (IEP, ITP, self-determination and other support areas)
7. Self-Determination Life Planning (spending plans, team coordination, robust person-centered plans)
8. Tailored Day Support and Servicese (1:1 customized specialty services for up to 37 hours a month),
Is Beacons, Inc. a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization?
Yes! We are a tax exempt California based public benefit corporation so please feel free to donate! Every bit helps!
Are we a school?
No. Beacons, Inc. is not an educational institution under the CA Education Code or the Donahoe Higher Education Act. We do not provide traditional classes or instruction under either of these educational laws. Instead, we provide supports, service and training based upon the needs of the families and individuals we serve.
Are you a vendor of the San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) or the Department of Rehabilitation? Yes!
We are a vendor of the SDRC and provide enriched day support, parent training workshops, self-determination coordination and planning, vocational training workshops and our 1:1 Tailored Day support and training services.
Who runs Beacons, Inc.?
Our nonprofit is currently run by a Board of Directors and other volunteers. All funding received is used directly for our programming and our instructional staff. Board decisions about programming and activities are guided by our trainees and participants. Each of our divisions have paid team members, who are mentored by the Chairs of each division who have loved ones with disabilities.
Why did you select your current location?
Beacons, Inc. selected its 2245 Camino Vida Roble site in Carlsbad because it is in the heart of the business community, within a short walking distance to local restaurants and other community amenities, and accessible via public transportation. Our site committee liked the space because it offers a casual open setting, has internal bathrooms and kitchen area, windowed walls to enable participants and visitors to view activities from another room, and the availability of a designated parking space for handicapped parking by its entrance. Our space is over 14,000 sf.
How Accessible is Beacons, Inc. in terms of transportation?
There are two bus stops nearby (one on Yarrow Drive and another on Palomar Airport Road) for Route 445 (commuter buses), which not only enables people to use buses to get to Beacons, Inc., but also enables individuals to use North County Transit Department’s Lift service to go curb-to-curb because our site is within ¾ miles of the bus stops. A parking space designated for handicapped parking is located right outside our door (and a second designated spot is just a few parking spaces away) for parking and/or drop off. Our building parking lot has two exits so that visitors can easily drop off participants at our door, and continue driving to exit without having to turn around to exit.
Do people with ID/DD have a “say” in what goes on at Beacons? Yes!
Our programming, workshops and activities are driven by the interests and input of the individuals we serve. Our service model is designed to promote self-advocacy and to provide numerous opportunities for self-advocates to share their input. We seek input to guide our staff and Board on decisions regarding programming, schedules and activities.
Do you perform background checks on your staff?
Persons hired by Beacons must successfully undergo a LiveScan background check and reference check as a condition of employment. Our Board members and regular volunteers also submit to LiveScan checks.
Do you do job placements? Yes!
We work with people to teach them how to interview, identify their workplace accommodations, apply for jobs, work on skills to keep jobs and much more! Our fall 2021 PathFinder workshops resulted in 100% employment for those who wanted to work.
To learn more about our vision and mission, click here. Thank you for your interest!